Friday, January 30, 2009

Just vacuum the walls

When I was in High school, there was a school activity called mock trial. If you do not know what this is, that is OK, I never really knew what it was, I just participated to spend more time with my new girlfriend. Basically a mock trial is between 2 schools, and it is a trial with students playing the parts of lawyers and witnesses (obviously I was a witness). Now let me tell you I find myself to be one of the most analytical (a.k.a. not creative) people, but I pulled one out one day. Before you arrive to the competition, you see the information from both sides of the case, and they tell you when you arrive what side you will be representing. This gives you all the information, and what the opposition will try to get you on. Basically the trial came down to carpets that contained asbestos, and there were carpets on the wall. So when the opposing lawyer asked me the "janitor" if I vacuumed I said yes, every day. o their follow up was, what about the carpet on the wall. I responded "oh yeah, we have a special attachment that we use to vacuum the walls every day (this was nowhere in the notes, but it was not specifically stated to be untrue)". Needless to say this left the opposition dumbfounded.

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