Thursday, February 5, 2009

Break it Down

Earlier I posted reservations I have with studies that are published, declaring that cause and effect are often not taken into true account. In response I was asked "Should we throw out all epidemiological studies because "some" are flawed? Or should we, which I think is the better choice, wade through the difficulties and attempt to find the truth?" My answer is that these studies should be broken down into categories.

Category I would be studies that show cause and effect, are done with strict guidelines like double blind studies, and are confirmed independently.

Category II would be studies that have a conclusion that is based in cause and effect, but the relationship is not proven, but seems probable

Category III would be studies that take data and are evaluated, and a conclusion is drawn strictly from that data, with no real hypothesis for WHY. These are by far the most dangerous, and should try to be avoided, lest they lead you down the wrong path.

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