Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Everyone has problems, what are you doing to solve yours?

I spent quite a few years in retail as a manager, and one concept that I developed over the years was that anyone can come up with a problem, but it takes something special to come up with a solution, or to even try. "I can't work on this day", "We need more of this", "That doesn't belong there", are a few examples, and my answer would inevitably be "OK, so what can you do about it?" That simple question solved so many problems over the years, it is not even funny. The same can be applied to problems with family, money, relationships, and more. The world has enough problems, lets try to do something about it. Complaining that you do not make enough money to pay your bills, will not accomplish anything; figuring out how to make more money, or cut down on your bills will. How often do you hear someone say "I'm going to take some classes so I can get a promotion", instead of "I'll never get that promotion, my life sucks"? My guess would be not often. I take pride that I have no common phobias, or fears. I am not crazy enough to walk down a dark alley in a bad neighborhood; That is not fear, it is common sense. I do not fear, however, the dark, heights, monsters, tall roller coasters, public speaking, etc. To me these are two sides of the same coin. Being afraid of something that my brain tells me is reasonably safe (like jumping off a 50 foot high diving board as the 7 year old children are doing) s a waste of my time and energy. I am going to do it anyway, so why waste time and energy on fear. Complaining about a situation I am in is not going to improve my situation, trying something different (and hopefully constructive) will (or at least may). I see this theme of positive thinking repeated in books such as "The Secret", "The Celestine Prophecy", and even "Dilbert 2.0" that I have begun to adopt it.

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